International Council
of Enviromental Law

Toward sustainable development


World-wide Association of Experts in International Environmental Law

Founded in 1969, the International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL) is the world’s first, and oldest, organization of eminent lawyers dedicated to the field of environmental law. ICEL has, for five decades, played a unique role in the field of international environmental law and in establishing the legal foundation for many aspects of sustainable development.

Over the course of 50 years, ICEL’s leadership has been blessed with extraordinary people, and it enjoys a long and proud list of accomplishments. ICEL has laid deep and strong foundations, and has earned credibility worldwide for its work.

ICEL is not a consultancy, a bar association, or a law firm; it is a well-established global network of experienced, dedicated, volunteer experts that exists to advance the environmental rule of law. Board members, and Members, all offer their expertise and services pro bono.

ICEL provides a unique voluntary service to the global community in advancing the progressive development of environmental law and its effective implementation, through both formal and informal interactions, including with States, academia, civil society and the private sector.

Advancing the Law to Sustain People and Nature

ICEL’s activity aims at advancing environmental law in order to sustain people and nature.

Advancing the Environmental Rule of Law

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